Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Below are some of Bill's most excellent French. They look fantastic, although I've never seen them on the table as such. hopefully Bill and I can arrange a game the next time he's up in Scotland.
Anyways..... as I said, very inspiring.
Opening shots of my English coming very soon :o)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rest of Mini's Arrive, Filing Overload!!

Title says all. The rest of the (beautifully scuplted) mini's have arrived and i've got more filing to do. Gonna take a break and paint the first six (Yep, you heard me!! The first six!!) before continuing the filing of doom routine :o)


Monday, January 28, 2008

It's a Dirty Job But Someones Gotta Do It!!

Here's one......
And here's another.......

Just to get me in the mood you understand. Anyway, neither of the above images are really that relevent as I'm going to be doing the Army of Clarence at Bauge where he overconfidently (undertsatement given the way in which English armies generally operated!!) charged the French and was killed along with many of his compatriots. Bit of a mistake really.......... although it did allow the less Impetuous John of Bedford to pick up the reigns who did a damn sight better a job than his younger brother.
OK, side tracked as I may be.......
OK, sorry to dissapoint folks but the title refers to the wonderfull passtime all wargames folk have to deal with; filing! Nearly done god knows how many and I've got another batch to do as and when they arrive. So, as they are predomintly done, I should be able to settle down to a sopt of painting over the next few days and have some pics ready for your perusal :o)

OK, sorry to dissapoint folks but talking about filing! I'm not a big fan of filing!! It gets under my skin. A neccessary evil perhaps but a pain in the ass too. Nearly done god knows how many and I've got another batch to do as and when they arrive. So, as they are predomintly done, I should be able to settle down to a spot of painting over the next few days and have some pics ready for your perusal :o) Let it be so.



Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yep Havok! A Medieval WAB event to be run at the End of March by Martin Gibbins at GBHQ in Evesham. Looks to be a fantastic event if it was anything like the last one I attended run by Martin, which was in fact Cold Steel.

You may have a funny feeling that you have heard something like this before, but it is just the excuse I need to pull all those Perry Agincourt to Orleans mini's out of their box and apply some slap. And of course, a good enough excuse to buy a 'few' more.

So, I look forward to gracing the pages of this blog with my army as it grows and also including a full report of Havok!
